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Urban Lighting
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We'll make the best lamp for people during 100 years.
Focus on lighting for 20 years
Although the future road is veyfar,Be willing to walk together with you hand and hand.
If you have,please Email to me:  chkboy@163.com
Overseas Operations Officer
North America:  Canada 1,  America 1;
South America:  Mexico 1,Brazil 1; Argentina 1;
                          Columbia 1; Peru 1; Chile 1.
1: Male or female,university degree.Major in marketing or economic management. 2: Height above 1.70 meters,healthy, unmarried, no bad habits. 3: Optimistic youthful, sunshine, full of career ideals. 4: Serious and responible work, can complete the take independently,can travel
Overseas Operations Officer
APAC: Pakistan 1,Afghanistan 1, Iran 1,
           Kazakhstan 1, India 1, Mongolia 1.

Overseas Operations Officer
Middle East: Saudi Arabia 1, Turkey 1,Syria 1,
                    Iraq 1, Oman 1, Yemen 1.
Overseas Operations Officer
Africa: South Africa 1, Egypt 1, Sultan 1,
           Libya 1, Algeria 1, Morocco 1, Congo 1.
Overseas Operations Officer
Europe: England 1, France 1, Germany 1,
             Poland 1, Finland 1,Russia 2.
             Sweden 1,Spain 1,Belarus 1.
1: Male or female,university degree.Major in marketing or economic management. 2: Height above 1.70 meters,healthy, unmarried, no bad habits.
3: Optimistic youthful, sunshine, full of career ideals.
4: Serious and responible work, can complete the take independently,can travel
1: Male or female,university degree.Major in marketing or economic management. 2: Height above 1.70 meters,healthy, unmarried, no bad habits.
3: Optimistic youthful, sunshine, full of career ideals.
4: Serious and responible work, can complete the take independently,can travel
1: Male or female,university degree.Major in marketing or economic management. 2: Height above 1.70 meters,healthy, unmarried, no bad habits.
3: Optimistic youthful, sunshine, full of career ideals.
4: Serious and responible work, can complete the take independently,can travel
1: Male or female,university degree.Major in marketing or economic management. 2: Height above 1.70 meters,healthy, unmarried, no bad habits.
3: Optimistic youthful, sunshine, full of career ideals.
4: Serious and responible work, can complete the take independently,can travel
Business Calls:0086-760-2238-6377
Business Fax:  0086-760-8674-1377
Business QQ:454202398   2413311011
Business Email:hoshboy@163.com
Company Address: 6th floor,building A,gangdong
commercial  Building no.9 zhongxing avenue,guzhen
Town,Zhongshan city,China.
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 Work Time
Mon to Fri :8:30-17:30
Sat to Sun :9:00-17:00
 Contact Details
Service Tel:0086-760-2238-6377
Consulting Tel:0086-133-2690-4409
Service Email:hoshboy@163.com
Technology Email:chkboy@163.com